If you ask a student who has completed Olympia Prep what part of our program surprised them most, most will say it was the data-driven approach. By the end of our program, your student will know exactly how many times their test will ask about commas, and what percentage of those questions will have each kind of answer. They will know every detail of how the tests are created and will know fully what to expect on test day, including exactly what questions will be asked, how often, and in what ways.
But we don’t just use data to analyze the test, we use it to analyze your student, their results, and adjust our delivery based on this data. Every student will have software reports generated on their testing progress and then will be given entirely different study plans and curriculum based on the functional content areas and skills needing the most help. This is critical to our formula to success in part because it gives only the content needed; but it also shows your student that we respect their time, limiting their work to only the things they need the most support on. This drives higher engagement, which in turn drives higher scores.
Winning with Customization: Curriculum Created Just for You

An example software report we use to create custom curriculum for each student
Since we have such a granular understand of the test and its questions, we can isolate the items needing focus for YOUR student to an incredible level of detail. We then deliver curriculum to them specific to these content areas in our ‘Personalized Success Plan’. For example, if your student missed questions in the Science section that ask them to identify a critical aspects of experimental design, they will be given a course of study with worksheets just focusing on this concept. They can focus, perfecting one skill at a time. This level of detail and proprietary software-driven customization is unmatched in the prep industry.
Practice with real tests
Olympia Prep has always made the commitment to use only real practice tests in our courses. Rather than simulated tests drawn up by company curriculum writers, we use only real tests for the ACT, SAT, and PSAT. Part of their curriculum will be a schedule of mock tests as well as real tests for ongoing practice in their program, and Personalized Success Plan. After seeing all these real tests, students often stop worrying too much on the real test day because it just feels like another practice test. Or perhaps they’ve learned how to read the test-makers’ minds (it can’t be that hard – they’re boringly predictable).
Private attention and our full team effort
To ensure success for every student, we offer private attention to every single student to deliver this highly customized, data-driven program. But we also offer several layers of defense. Every single one of our instructors has proven their success at raising scores, but sometimes more than one private instructor is needed. Our talent Customer Success Managers all stand ready to add extra adjustments for your student. We track improvement meticulously and are ready to collectively make the adjustments you need to be successful.