Why Olympia Prep

Preparing for the college admissions isn’t easy. To many students and parents, it can be downright overwhelming. As students who have recently had to survive this process, we know just how much pressure there is.

This is why we are all so committed to making it a success for your student and your family.  There is a predictable, winning formula to follow to get admissions and scholarship money.  And it almost always starts with a top standardized test score that validates a compelling narrative of you your student is and what they are capable of when they’re given a chance to shine.

Read through our website or contact us directly to learn more about the value that can be gained from winning at this process, how we get our consistent top-of-the-industry results, and how we can help replicate them for you!

Looking forward to welcoming you to our All-Access Membership helping students succeed at standardize tests, admissions and scholarships, and critical skills that will drive success for the rest of your student’s life!