BASIC Access Plan – April ACT start

$0.00 / month for 6 months with 1 month free trial

This free subscription is included to give you electronic access to our massive collection of content and curriculum, which your student will approach systematically and with guidance.



What is this?  This gets you your online access to our entire library of contents, with our full curriculum and tens of thousands of additional problems, software analysis of testing results, and your customized curriculum study plan.

Is it free?  Yes.

What happens when it expires?  Not much, since it was charging $0 every month anyway.  However, this time limit can help people set more realistic, time-sensitive goals to reach their top score.  You don’t want to be prepping for the ACT forever and we don’t want that either.  Simply let us know if you need your access extended or renewed.

Please note:  This Basic Access package does not include any additional tutoring, but our Standard Access package will get you an additional 12 hours of tutoring access.